Your tax-deductible donation helps US to:
Reinvent opera through iconic productions of new and rarely performed works.
Bring together established and emerging artists in a collaborative, artist-driven environment.
Spark the curiosity of local students about the arts through immersive, on-campus performances.
Questions about giving to lbo?
(562) 470-7464
Federal Tax ID:
Dedicate Your Donation
Make a gift in celebration of a loved one. You can select to dedicate your donation in name of, in memory of, or in honor of someone, and they will be acknowledged in the current season’s program books.
More Ways to Give
LBO accepts wire transfers! Instructions can be found here.
Did you know that many companies will match their employees’ donations to Long Beach Opera? Contact your employer’s HR department to see if they offer a matching gift program. Once you have submitted your matching gift request please contact us to finalize the process. We are also happy to help at any point in the process.
Planned giving is a wonderful way to leave a lasting legacy, while ensuring Long Beach Opera's success well into the future. We would be honored to work with you to create a legacy gift that would be most meaningful to you and your family.
LBO accepts stock and security donations. Instructions can be found here!
Have an IRA or Pension with yearly disbursements? LBO happily accepts donations from IRAs, Pensions, and other Retirement Accounts.
LBO accepts donations of cryptocurrency. For instructions, click here!
Your gift matters and we are grateful for your continued support.
This organization is supported, in part, by The Port of Long Beach, The Perenchio Foundation, California Arts Council, Boeing, The National Endowment for the Arts, The Center for Cultural Innovation, The RuMBa Foundation, and the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Department of Arts and Culture.